Please note: It is required to perform the following adjustment as user with administrator role in your hintcatcher system.
Please note: Some functionality / settings may only be available in some hintcatcher plans.
The optional voice recording allows whistleblowers to record a verbal report directly in the reporting form of your reporting office and to transmit it instead of a textual report.
If the option is activated, the recorder that enables recording is displayed in the report form:
A voice recording is transmitted as a file attachment in the initial whistleblower report message and can be downloaded by caseworkers like other file attachments and played with a suitable player.
Please note the following information
- Voice recording is only possible on supported devices. This requires, among other things, an up-to-date supported browser, a device with connected or built-in voice recording capability (microphone) and appropriate permissions granted for access to the voice recording devices. Voice recording is currently not supported on iOS devices and macOS devices with Safari browser. Written reporting is still possible on devices that do not support voice recording.
- The maximum duration of a voice recording is limited
- Voice recording is only supported for the initial whistleblower report
- A suitable player is required to play/listen to voice recordings
- The anonymity of the whistleblower may be compromised by a voice recording
- If the transmission of file attachments by whistleblowers is prevented, voice recording is disabled regardless of the setting of the voice recording option
To activate the optional voice recording for whistleblowers, please carry out the following steps:
- In case management, switch to the Settings page
- In the Settings of your reporting office section, activate the Enable Voice Recording option:
Whistleblowers on supported devices now have the option to record a voice message directly via voice recording in the browser and sending it with the report instead of a written hint report.
Caseworkers receive the voice recording as a file attachment with the initial message of the corresponding case.